Monday, March 5, 2012

Happy Birthday to Me!

Today is my 25th birthday, and I thought I'd share a few thoughts for the occasion.

My life is a roller coaster of excitement, boredom, depression, anxiety, happiness, joy, fun and so many other things I can't even think of what they are. In my many years I have learned a few things.

  1. I am most satisfied with my life when I am creating. This is why I created this blog and started writing stories. When I create, I am engaged not only with myself, but with the world around me and that makes me happy. 
  2. Some things in life just suck, but you don't always have to slog through them. Sometimes, it's worth it to leave crappy things behind and forge ahead with what makes you feel good.
  3. Along with #2, I have met so many people who talk about doing big things with their lives, but I know very few who actually follow through with these dreams/plans. There is no good reason not to do what you want in life. My mother has wanted to live in California for years now, and last October she finally did it. It wasn't easy, but she is happier now than she has been my entire life. (I'm guessing on this, but I am fairly certain it's an accurate statement.) I'm so proud of her for that, and I want to follow her example of practically following dreams.
  4. Some relationships are difficult, but worth working on and keeping. Some relationships are easy, but are not worth keeping.
  5. Family is forever, but family does not deserve everything you have. Sometimes, you have to treat family relationships like any other. Sometimes it's worth working at, and sometimes you need to allow family to take a back seat. The difference is, friendships can be temporary, family is forever.
  6. I am the most important person in my life. I try to give to others and be generous, but in the end I need to do what I must to be happy, and if I must sacrifice my happiness for another it's not worth it. At least not so far in my life.
  7. Disregard everything I have said. These are things I have learned for myself, but they are not prescriptions for anyone else's life. I am truly different from every other person I have ever met, and my life plan will not work for anybody but me. And that's okay.

These are just some of the musings I've had over the past few years/months/days/hours. I'm intensely grateful to family and friends for the support and love they give me, especially my wife Megan. I couldn't be the person I am without her. To wrap things up, I recently (within the last year) learned of a law which has governed my life for as long as I can remember, but which I could not articulate until I discovered it on the blog of one of my celebrity heroes, Wil Wheaton. Known as Wheaton's Law, it states simply and beautifully: Don't be a dick! Thanks to everyone who reads this blog and makes me feel good about my work, even if you don't comment you are appreciated.

Chris Taylor


  1. I love you. I love your mind and your thoughts. Happy belated birthday!

  2. Happy Birthday!!! Love you, and we always enjoy your blog. We look forward to seeing you and Megan, and until then, visiting via blog, fb, etc. Hugs!
